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Pineapple.png Pineapple is a fruit plant that grows in Summer Summer.png.


Wild Pineapple can be found in the Jungle.png Jungle after the Jungle has expanded to Stage 2 (2 or more total Prophecies completed).

After finding the wild seeds, more can be bought at the Plant Nursery.png Plant Nursery for Contribution B.png 20 .

Pineapple Location.png

Growth Stages

It takes 18 days to grow.

Type Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 (Harvest)
Pineapple Stage 0.png
Wild Pineapple Stage 1.png
Wild Pineapple Stage 2.png
Wild Pineapple Stage 3.png
Wild Pineapple Stage 4.png
Pineapple Stage 1.png
Pineapple Stage 2.png
Pineapple Stage 3.png
Pineapple Stage 4.png



Wild Good quality is only obtainable through using the Water Wheel.png Water Wheel. Occasionally, items will process into a higher quality which leads to a Wild labeled produce with the mark of a Good quality item.

Name Processor Ingredients Stamina Contribution
Wild Wild
Good Quality
Base Good Quality Better Quality Best Quality Wild Wild
Good Quality
Base Good Quality Better Quality Best Quality
Dried Pineapple
Dried Pineapple
Solar Dryer.png Solar Dryer Pineapple.png Pineapple +18 n/a +18 +20 +22 +26 126 n/a 168 202 236 269
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple Juice
Press.png Press Pineapple.png Pineapple +33 +37 +33 +37 +40 +47 84 101 112 135 157 180
Pineapple Wine
Pineapple Wine
Brewer.png Brewer Juice.png Pineapple Juice +15 +17 +15 +17 +18 +21 210 252 280 336 392 448
Pineapple Vinegar
Pineapple Vinegar
Vinegar Fermenter.png Vinegar Fermenter Wine.png Pineapple Wine +15 +17 +15 +17 +18 +21 210 252 280 336 392 448
Aged Pineapple Wine
Aged Pineapple Wine
Cask.png Cask Wine.png Pineapple Wine (1)
Hardwood.png Hardwood (1)
+15 +17 +15 +17 +18 +21 735 882 980 1176 1372 1568
Pineapple Mulled Wine
Pineapple Mulled Wine
Cask.png Cask Wine.png Pineapple Wine (1)
Herb L.png Any Herb (1)
+15 +17 +15 +17 +18 +21 840 1008 1120 1344 1568 1792


While not directly used, growing Pineapples within range of a Bee Hive.png Bee Hive can influence the type of Honey.png Honey produced. For more information, check the Bee Hive page.

Name Processor Ingredients Stamina Contribution
Base Good Quality Better Quality Best Quality Base Good Quality Better Quality Best Quality
Pineapple Honey
Pineapple Honey
Bee Hive.png Bee Hive Pineapple.png Pineapple +45 +50 +55 +63 77 93 108 124
Pineapple Mead
Pineapple Mead
Brewer.png Brewer Honey.png Pineapple Honey +15 +17 +18 +21 154 185 216 247
Pineapple Mead Vinegar
Pineapple Mead Vinegar
Vinegar Fermenter.png Vinegar Fermenter Mead.png Pineapple Mead +15 +17 +18 +21 154 185 216 247


Pineapple can be used as a specific ingredient, or in recipes that require Fruit L.png Any Fruit or Harvest L.png Any Harvest. See the page on Cooking for more information.
All Stamina and Contribution numbers are for Base quality items.

Specific Recipes

Name Utensil Ingredients Stamina Contribution Buff
Pineapple Chicken
Pineapple Chicken
Ground Oven.png Ground Oven Pineapple.png Pineapple (1)
White Meat.png White Meat (1)
70 Stamina.png Contribution.png 23  -
Pineapple Pizza
Pineapple Pizza
Ground Oven.png Ground Oven Pineapple.png Pineapple (1)
Wheat Flour.png Wheat Flour (1)
Cheese L.png Any Cheese (1)
154 Stamina.png Contribution.png 43  +15 Torch Radius

General Recipes

Name Utensil Ingredients Stamina Contribution Buff
Ibon's Traveling Cakes
Ibon's Traveling Cakes
Ground Oven.png Ground Oven Fruit L.png Any Fruit (1)
Grain L.png Any Grain (1)
Fat L.png Any Fat (1)
108 Stamina.png Contribution.png +50 max stamina
-1 food making
Mix Salad
Mix Salad
None Harvest L.png Any Harvest (3) 38 Stamina.png Contribution.png 13  -
Roasted Vegetables
Roasted Vegetables
Ground Oven.png Ground Oven Harvest L.png Any Harvest (1)
Garlic.png Garlic (1)
70 Stamina.png Contribution.png 23  -


If nothing is specified, both the wild and the domesticated varieties can be used. (W) means only wild, (D) means only domesticated.

Love Ibon.png Ibon Romance Flower.pngTouk.png Touk Romance Flower.png
Like Ata.png Ata Friendship Flower.pngMana.png Mana Romance Flower.png
Neutral Everyone else
Dislike -
Hate -

See Also

Fertilizers Compost.png CompostFeather Meal.png Feather MealHorn Meal.png Horn MealPowder Meal.png Powder MealMyco.png MycoQuality Compost.png Quality CompostQuality Feather Meal.png Quality Feather MealQuality Horn Meal.png Quality Horn MealQuality Powder Meal.png Quality Powder Meal
Trees Alma Tree.png Alma TreeAlmond Tree.png Almond TreeAvocado Tree.png Avocado TreeCitron Tree.png Citron TreeCoconut Tree.png Coconut TreeDate Palm.png Date PalmMango Tree.png Mango TreeOlive Tree.png Olive TreePine Tree.png Pine TreePomegranate Tree.png Pomegranate Tree
Tree Produce Alma.png AlmaAlmond.png AlmondAvocado.png AvocadoCitron.png CitronCoconut.png CoconutDate.png DateMango.png MangoOlive.png OlivePine Cone.png Pine ConePomegranate.png Pomegranate
Amaranth.png AmaranthBeans.png BeansBeets.png BeetsBroccoli.png BroccoliBuckwheat.png BuckwheatButternut Squash.png Butternut SquashCabbage.png CabbageCarrot.png CarrotCassava.png CassavaChile.png ChileCorn.png CornEggplant.png EggplantFennel.png FennelGarbanzo.png GarbanzoGarlic.png GarlicKohlrabi.png KohlrabiLettuce.png LettuceMillet.png MilletOats.png OatsOnion.png OnionPineapple.png PineapplePotato.png PotatoPrickly Pear.png Prickly PearPumpkin.png PumpkinQuinoa.png QuinoaSea Kale.png Sea KaleSesame.png SesameStrawberry.png StrawberrySunflower.png SunflowerSweet Potato.png Sweet PotatoTeff.png TeffTomato.png TomatoWheat.png WheatWinter Peas.png Winter Peas