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Buffs are bonuses granted through various events, dishes, and accessories. Buffs granted by accessories last until the accessory is removed, while others last for a limited time.

Buff Effect Values Range Sources
Max Stamina Increases your maximum Stamina. 0 - 240 Earring of the Will.png Earring of the Will
Champion's Bracelet.png Champion's Bracelet
Alinazik Kebab.png Alinazik Kebab
Arroz Con Leche.png Arroz Con Leche
Traveling Cake.png Traveling Cake
Ibon's Traveling Cakes.png Ibon's Traveling Cakes
Kefir Pancakes.png Kefir Pancakes
Endurance Decreases the stamina used when doing actions.
At buff level 30, reduces stamina usage by 20%.
(stamina can be fractional, so no rounding occurs)
0 - 30 Cave Lioness Ring.png Cave Lioness Ring
Gazelle Anklet.png Gazelle Anklet
Rider's Anklet.png Rider's Anklet
Unbeatable Rider Toe Ring.png Unbeatable Rider Toe Ring
Baba Ganoush.png Baba Ganoush
Humita.png Humita
Quinoa Cake.png Quinoa Cake
Foot Speed Increases your own speed. 0 - 30 Cave Lioness Ring.png Cave Lioness Ring
Gazelle Anklet.png Gazelle Anklet
Bife.png Bife
Curry.png Curry
Potato Salad.png Potato Salad
Spiedie.png Spiedie
Plant Growth Speed Increases the growth rate of seeds you've planted. 0 - 30 Green Thumb Ring.png Green Thumb Ring
Green Toe Ring.png Green Toe Ring
Harvest Yield Adds a chance to get a second item when harvesting crops.
At buff level 30, gives 50% chance.
Also gives up to 50% chance of getting 1.5x yield from fruit trees.
0 - 30 Green Toe Ring.png Green Toe Ring
Ring of Buzz.png Ring of Buzz
Couscous.png Couscous
Initial Stamina Increase or decrease your initial daily Stamina.
(as of now, a positive value isn't actually possible to get)
-100 - 100 Passing out
Not caring for a newborn's needs
Stamina Recovery Recovers your stamina over time. 0 - 20 Ensalada Criolla.png Ensalada Criolla
Hot Spring
Charm Increases friendship gained with NPCs by talking. 0 - 30 Charming Armlet.png Charming Armlet
Impression Brooch.png Impression Brooch
Buns.png Buns
Cassava Cake.png Cassava Cake
Fruit Crumble.png Fruit Crumble
Beer Battered Onion Rings.png Beer Battered Onion Rings
Parfait.png Parfait
Fish Spawn Increase the spawn rate of all fish. 0 - 30 Bait Necklace.png Bait Necklace
Luring Anklet.png Luring Anklet
Roasted Fish.png Roasted Fish
Pasta of the Sea.png Pasta of the Sea
Calamari Salad.png Calamari Salad
Animal Friendship Increases the amount of friendship gained when interacting with animals.
At a buff level of 30, talking gives x3.
Friendship gained through gifts and flute-playing is unaffected.
0 - 30 Cheetah Bracelet.png Cheetah Bracelet
Earrings of the Beasts.png Earrings of the Beasts
Gentle Touch Bangle.png Gentle Touch Bangle
Unbeatable Rider Toe Ring.png Unbeatable Rider Toe Ring
Congee.png Congee
Duxelles.png Duxelles
Hardtack.png Hardtack
Wood Yield Increases the amount of wood (or hardwood) that trees drop.
Scales up to 100% increased wood at a buff level of 30.
0 - 30 Brooch of the Gatherer.png Brooch of the Gatherer
Tree in Fall Toe Ring.png Tree in Fall Toe Ring
Oil Cake.png Oil Cake
Hummus.png Hummus
Mushroom Tart.png Mushroom Tart
Pierogi.png Pierogi
Honey Making Adds a chance to get an extra honey.
At buff level 30, chance is 50%.
Also reduces the delay from placing the hive or collecting honey to starting production (from 2 days down to 1 or 0).
In multiplayer, the time reduction is always calculated using the player who placed the hive's buff, regardless of which player collects it.
0 - 30 Green Thumb Ring.png Green Thumb Ring
Ring of Buzz.png Ring of Buzz
New Year's Pudding.png New Year's Pudding
Flan.png Flan
Gift Giving Increase the effect of your gifts.
At buff level 3, multiplies by x2 the friendship generated when giving a gift to a pet or a NPC.
0 - 30 Amulet of Furtherance.png Amulet of Furtherance
Charming Armlet.png Charming Armlet
Impression Brooch.png Impression Brooch
Fruit Platter.png Fruit Platter
Mango Lassi.png Mango Lassi
Pomegranate Toast.png Pomegranate Toast
Steamed Vegetables.png Steamed Vegetables
Fish Catching Lowers your chances of the fish being alerted. 0 - 30 Bait Necklace.png Bait Necklace
Bracelet of Quietude.png Bracelet of Quietude
Garum.png Garum
Stuffed Calamari.png Stuffed Calamari
Mediterranean Grilled Fish.png Mediterranean Grilled Fish
Tuna Pancake.png Tuna Pancake
Gathering Yield Increase your chances of getting more items when gathering. 0 - 30 Brooch of the Gatherer.png Brooch of the Gatherer
Tree in Fall Toe Ring.png Tree in Fall Toe Ring
Stuffed Dates.png Stuffed Dates
Legume Patty.png Legume Patty
Ramen.png Ramen
Ore Yield Adds a chance to yield one extra ore (including gems and stone).
Scales up to 25% chance at a buff level of 30.
0 - 30 Cavernous Bangle.png Cavernous Bangle
Pendant of Luminescence.png Pendant of Luminescence
Falafel.png Falafel
Locro.png Locro
Spaghetti.png Spaghetti
Tapenade.png Tapenade
Fish Rarity Increases the rarity of fish that spawn.
See Fishing for scaling.
0 - 30 Bracelet of Quietude.png Bracelet of Quietude
Luring Anklet.png Luring Anklet
Oxygala.png Oxygala
Fish Larb.png Fish Larb
Torch Radius Increase the radius of your torch's light. 0 - 30 Amulet of Furtherance.png Amulet of Furtherance
Cavernous Bangle.png Cavernous Bangle
Pendant of Luminescence.png Pendant of Luminescence
Pineapple Pizza.png Pineapple Pizza
Riding Mastery Increase your speed when mounted. 0 - 30 Champion's Bracelet.png Champion's Bracelet
Cheetah Bracelet.png Cheetah Bracelet
Gentle Touch Bangle.png Gentle Touch Bangle
Rider's Anklet.png Rider's Anklet
Spiedie.png Spiedie
Hardwood Chance Adds a chance that the tree will drop all hardwood instead.
Scales up to 50% chance at buff level of 30.
0 - 30 Earring of the Woods.png Earring of the Woods
Temp Buffs Duration Increase the duration of food buffs. 0 - 30 Ring of the Trainer.png Ring of the Trainer
Spices Bracelet.png Spices Bracelet
Tasting Armlet.png Tasting Armlet
Nsima.png Nsima
Food Making Increase your chances of getting a better quality dish when cooking.
Scales up to 50% chance at buff level of 30.
If a dish would be Best QualityBest Quality regardless, it is unaffected by the buff.
0 - 30 Earrings of the Beasts.png Earrings of the Beasts
Spices Bracelet.png Spices Bracelet
Tasting Armlet.png Tasting Armlet
Shiro.png Shiro
Ibon's Traveling Cakes.png Ibon's Traveling Cakes -1