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This template defines the table "NPC". This table has not been created yet.

Properties can be passed using the following names, or following order if given anonymously. Examples given are for Acre.
Note: underlined lines are not included as parameters and are meant to help clarify what the parameters are for. Remember to replace | with {{!}}.

    Basic Information
  1. name = Acre
  2. clan = Pachan
  3. totem = Woodpecker
  4. description = The Clan's toolmaker. Like her partner Croll, she prefers to stay busy.
  5. birth_season = Winter
  6. birth_day = 17
  7. gender = Female
  8. romanceable = No
  9. occupation = Toolmaker
  10. home = Crafters' Hut
  11. relationships = |Croll|Partner, |Jelrod|Child, |Ibon|Child, |Ata|Child
  12. Gifts
  13. loves_specifically = Mango, Copper, Obsidian, Potato Salad, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Wild Grapes Wine, Tin, |Honey||Honey|Tomato Honey, Pineapple Pizza, Avocado, |Beer||Wheat Beer
  14. loves =
  15. likes_specifically = |Juice|W|Juice|Mango Juice, |Juice|D|Juice|Pomegranate Juice, |Wine||Wine|Alma Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Alma Wine, Corn, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Pineapple Wine, Sundried Tomato, Flint, Bison Fur
  17. neutral_specifically =
  18. neutral =
  19. dislikes_specifically = |Juice||Juice|Fennel Juice, |Wine||Wine|Beets Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Beets Wine, Goat Cheese, Bones, |Pickled Vegetable||Pickled Vegetable|Pickled Cabbage, |Wine||Wine|Carrot Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Carrot Wine, |Wine||Wine|Citron Wine, |Wine||Wine|Fennel Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Fennel Wine, |Pickled Vegetable||Pickled Vegetable|Pickled Fennel, |Wine||Wine|Kohlrabi Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Kohlrabi Wine, |Wine||Wine|Sea Kale Wine, |Aged Wine||Aged Wine|Aged Sea Kale Wine
  20. dislikes = Fertilizer, Dried Fish, Lard
  21. hates_specifically = Horse Manure, Hay Bale, Poop, Plant Fiber, Garlic, |Pickled Vegetable||Pickled Vegetable|Pickled Garlic, Sauerkraut, Sunflower
  22. hates = Shell, Fermented Fish, Wild Flower
  23. Schedule
  24. mon_morning =
  25. mon_afternoon =
  26. mon_night =
  27. tue_morning =
  28. tue_afternoon =
  29. tue_night =
  30. wed_morning =
  31. wed_afternoon =
  32. wed_night =
  33. thu_morning =
  34. thu_afternoon =
  35. thu_night =
  36. fri_morning =
  37. fri_afternoon =
  38. fri_night =
  39. sat_morning = Asleep until 7:40am
  40. sat_afternoon =
  41. sat_night =
  42. sun_morning =
  43. sun_afternoon =
  44. sun_night = Heads to bed at 21:25.
  45. Misc.
  46. trivia = She and Jizu were best friends as kids., She is allergic to pollen.
  47. portraits = Normal, Annoyed, Blushing, Dislike, Like, Sad, Thinking
  48. other_portraits = Older Version

Acre.png Acre is a member of the Pachan Clan.


If nothing is specified, both the wild and the domesticated varieties can be used. (W) means only wild, (D) means only domesticated.

Loves Mango.png Mango • Copper.png Copper • Obsidian.png Obsidian • Potato Salad.png Potato Salad • Aged Wine.png Aged Wild Grapes Wine • Tin.png Tin • Honey.png Tomato Honey • Pineapple Pizza.png Pineapple Pizza • Avocado.png Avocado • Beer.png Wheat Beer
Likes Juice.png Mango Juice (W) • Juice.png Pomegranate Juice (D) • Wine.png Alma Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Alma Wine • Corn.png Corn • Aged Wine.png Aged Pineapple Wine • Sundried Tomato.png Sundried Tomato • Flint.png Flint • Bison Fur.png Bison Fur
Neutral Anything else
Dislikes Juice.png Fennel Juice • Wine.png Beets Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Beets Wine • Goat Cheese.png Goat Cheese • Bones.png Bones • Pickled Vegetable.png Pickled Cabbage • Wine.png Carrot Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Carrot Wine • Wine.png Citron Wine • Wine.png Fennel Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Fennel Wine • Pickled Vegetable.png Pickled Fennel • Wine.png Kohlrabi Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Kohlrabi Wine • Wine.png Sea Kale Wine • Aged Wine.png Aged Sea Kale Wine File:Fertilizer L.png Any Fertilizer • Dried Fish L.png Any Dried Fish • Lard L.png Any Lard
Hates Horse Manure.png Horse Manure • Hay Bale.png Hay Bale • Poop.png Poop • Plant Fiber.png Plant Fiber • Garlic.png Garlic • Pickled Vegetable.png Pickled Garlic • Sauerkraut.png Sauerkraut • Sunflower.png Sunflower Shell L.png Any Shell • Fermented Fish L.png Any Fermented Fish • Wild Flower L.png Any Wild Flower


Day Morning

6am - 12pm


12pm - 6pm


6pm - 2am

Saturday Asleep until 7:40am
Sunday Heads to bed at 21:25.


  • She and Jizu were best friends as kids.
  • She is allergic to pollen.




See Also

Pachan Clan Acre.png Acre Friendship Flower.pngAda.png Ada Friendship Flower.pngAta.png Ata Friendship Flower.pngBrah.png Brah Friendship Flower.pngCroll.png Croll Friendship Flower.pngDaari.png Daari Friendship Flower.pngEra.png Era Romance Flower.pngFrer.png Frer Romance Flower.pngGarrek.png Garrek Romance Flower.pngGin.png Gin Friendship Flower.pngGrob.png Grob Friendship Flower.pngIbon.png Ibon Romance Flower.pngIgrork.png Igrork Friendship Flower.pngIlloe.png Illoe Romance Flower.pngJag.png Jag Romance Flower.pngJelrod.png Jelrod Romance Flower.pngJizu.png Jizu Friendship Flower.pngJukk.png Jukk Romance Flower.pngMaeri.png Maeri Friendship Flower.pngMana.png Mana Romance Flower.pngNari.png Nari Friendship Flower.pngNokk.png Nokk Friendship Flower.pngOkka.png Okka Friendship Flower.pngReese.png Reese Friendship Flower.pngRon.png Ron Friendship Flower.pngTare.png Tare Friendship Flower.pngTetih.png Tetih Friendship Flower.pngVoda.png Voda Romance Flower.pngVor.png Vor Friendship Flower.pngVuak.png Vuak Friendship Flower.pngZelk.png Zelk Friendship Flower.png
Yakuan Clan Brub.png Brub Friendship Flower.pngInza.png Inza Friendship Flower.pngKrak.png Krak Romance Flower.pngAsh.png Ash Friendship Flower.pngKocha.png Kocha Friendship Flower.pngPellek.png Pellek Friendship Flower.pngJavvi.png Javvi Friendship Flower.png
Mograni Clan Touk.png Touk Romance Flower.pngVallah.png Vallah Romance Flower.pngZeda.png Zeda Friendship Flower.pngAnda.png Anda Friendship Flower.pngCohh.png Cohh Friendship Flower.pngHavri.png Havri Friendship Flower.png