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Gin.png Gin is the Leader of the Pachan Clan.



If nothing is specified, both the wild and the domesticated varieties can be used. (W) means only wild, (D) means only domesticated.

All other items


Gin is the partner of Tare, and father of Mana and Nokk.


  • He and his daughter Mana like to exercise early in the mornings to clear their heads and plan the Clan's day.
  • Gin has the Monkey totem, just like Garrek.
  • According to Igrork: "Gin became leader shortly after Frer's parents went missing. I thought the clan was going to disband but he held us all together."
  • Gin is highly regarded by everyone in his clan. He is a thoughtful leader who meditates on every decision and is very aware of everyone in the Clan.
  • Gin fears the spiritual as he's not in control.[1]
  • Gin does an excellent job of making sure everyone is cared for. Even a visitor like me. - Voda





  1. Discord - Smoke Signals

See Also

Pachan Clan Acre.png Acre Friendship Flower.pngAda.png Ada Friendship Flower.pngAta.png Ata Friendship Flower.pngBrah.png Brah Friendship Flower.pngCroll.png Croll Friendship Flower.pngDaari.png Daari Friendship Flower.pngEra.png Era Romance Flower.pngFrer.png Frer Romance Flower.pngGarrek.png Garrek Romance Flower.pngGin.png Gin Friendship Flower.pngGrob.png Grob Friendship Flower.pngIbon.png Ibon Romance Flower.pngIgrork.png Igrork Friendship Flower.pngIlloe.png Illoe Romance Flower.pngJag.png Jag Romance Flower.pngJelrod.png Jelrod Romance Flower.pngJizu.png Jizu Friendship Flower.pngJukk.png Jukk Romance Flower.pngMaeri.png Maeri Friendship Flower.pngMana.png Mana Romance Flower.pngNari.png Nari Friendship Flower.pngNokk.png Nokk Friendship Flower.pngOkka.png Okka Friendship Flower.pngReese.png Reese Friendship Flower.pngRon.png Ron Friendship Flower.pngTare.png Tare Friendship Flower.pngTetih.png Tetih Friendship Flower.pngVoda.png Voda Romance Flower.pngVor.png Vor Friendship Flower.pngVuak.png Vuak Friendship Flower.pngZelk.png Zelk Friendship Flower.png
Yakuan Clan Brub.png Brub Friendship Flower.pngInza.png Inza Friendship Flower.pngKrak.png Krak Romance Flower.pngAsh.png Ash Friendship Flower.pngKocha.png Kocha Friendship Flower.pngPellek.png Pellek Friendship Flower.pngJavvi.png Javvi Friendship Flower.png
Mograni Clan Touk.png Touk Romance Flower.pngVallah.png Vallah Romance Flower.pngZeda.png Zeda Friendship Flower.pngAnda.png Anda Friendship Flower.pngCohh.png Cohh Friendship Flower.pngHavri.png Havri Friendship Flower.png