Mushroom Grower

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Mushroom Grower.png Mushroom Grower is passive use and does not require any watering or care. Hold 1 of any mushroom and interact to plant the mushroom in the grower. Every 4 days 1 mushroom can be harvested. The same mushroom will continually grow until (right-clicking) selecting the "Remove" button from the menu.

The Mushroom Grower is unlocked after completing the Gathered Garden.png Gathered Garden idea from Ada.png Ada when the total clan Prosperity.png Prosperity is 50,000 or more.

Assuming one has put in a mushroom without any quality, that mushroom's quality will steadily improve over time after continuous harvesting, eventually resulting in the mushroom becoming Best quality. As such, it's recommended to make a few, and input mushrooms as early as the player can, to prepare for the mid/endgame, as there is no other way to gain higher rarities of wild mushrooms. Once the player has more resources later on, it's recommended to make more Mushroom Growers if they are looking to produce multiple Mushroom Cheese.png Mushroom Cheeses via Cask.png Casks.

The Mushroom Grower will otherwise produce mushrooms of the same quality as the inputted mushroom. For example, if a player were to put a Red Mushroom of best quality into a Mushroom Grower, that Mushroom Grower will grow Red Mushrooms of the same quality; this is especially great, if players are looking to move their Mushroom Growers, without fear of losing their progress.

Some recommended places to store Mushroom Growers are Animal and/or Storage Sheds.


Input Output Duration
Brown Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
4 days
Red Mushroom
Red Mushroom
Red Mushroom
Red Mushroom
4 days
Strange Mushroom
Strange Mushroom
Strange Mushroom
Strange Mushroom
4 days

See also

Cheese Cloth
Cheese Cloth
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle
Solar Dryer
Solar Dryer
Spindle Whorl
Spindle Whorl
Vinegar Fermenter
Vinegar Fermenter