View table: Product

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Table structure:

  1. Name - Page
  2. Image - File
  3. Description - String
  4. Source - Wikitext
  5. Tags - Wikitext
  6. Ingredients - Wikitext
  7. StaminaWild - Number
  8. StaminaBase - Number
  9. StaminaGood - Number
  10. StaminaBetter - Number
  11. StaminaBest - Number
  12. ContributionWild - Number
  13. ContributionBase - Number
  14. ContributionGood - Number
  15. ContributionBetter - Number
  16. ContributionBest - Number
  17. TradeWith - Wikitext
  18. LovedBy - Wikitext
  19. LikedBy - Wikitext
  20. NeutralBy - Wikitext
  21. DislikedBy - Wikitext
  22. HatedBy - Wikitext

This table has 1 row altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Image Description Source Tags Ingredients StaminaWild StaminaBase StaminaGood StaminaBetter StaminaBest ContributionWild ContributionBase ContributionGood ContributionBetter ContributionBest TradeWith LovedBy LikedBy NeutralBy DislikedBy HatedBy
Strawberry Juice (edit) Strawberry Juice
A pressed Strawberry gave us this delightful juice.




33 33 37 40 47 16 20 24 28 32

Ata, Brah, Ron, Voda, Vor, Vuak

