View table: Plant

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Image - File
  3. Description - String
  4. Season - Wikitext
  5. Source - Wikitext
  6. Location - Wikitext
  7. Tags - Wikitext
  8. DoesFlower - Boolean
  9. Growth - Wikitext
  10. Regrowth - Wikitext
  11. TreeGrowth - Wikitext
  12. FruitGrowth - Wikitext
  13. StaminaWild - Number
  14. StaminaBase - Number
  15. StaminaGood - Number
  16. StaminaBetter - Number
  17. StaminaBest - Number
  18. ContributionWild - Number
  19. ContributionBase - Number
  20. ContributionGood - Number
  21. ContributionBetter - Number
  22. ContributionBest - Number
  23. IgrorkPrice - Number
  24. TradeWith - Wikitext
  25. LovedBy - Wikitext
  26. LikedBy - Wikitext
  27. NeutralBy - Wikitext
  28. DislikedBy - Wikitext
  29. HatedBy - Wikitext

This table has 2 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Image Description Season Source Location Tags DoesFlower Growth Regrowth TreeGrowth FruitGrowth StaminaWild StaminaBase StaminaGood StaminaBetter StaminaBest ContributionWild ContributionBase ContributionGood ContributionBetter ContributionBest IgrorkPrice TradeWith LovedBy LikedBy NeutralBy DislikedBy HatedBy
Avocado (edit) Avocado
This fruit has thick bumpy skin that contains a savoury treat.

Avocado Tree

Tree Produce

21 days

every 6 days

+10 +12 14 15 17 9 12 15 17 20 132

Acre, Okka


Strawberry (edit) Strawberry
A sweet berry that you can't stop eating.



6 days

every 3 days

8 10 11 12 14 8 10 12 14 16 20


Inza, Ata, Brah

Krak, Voda, Ron, Vor

Jukk, Garrek, Jelrod, Daari, Vuak, Ibon, Tare, Maeri, Nari, Gin, Brub, Igrork, Croll, Okka, Acre, Nokk, Illoe, Zeda, Ada, Reese, Zelk, Mana, Vallah, Frer, Grob, Touk, Jag, Jizu

