Rose Hips

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Rose Hips.png Rose Hips can be gathered in the Forest.png Forest in Spring Spring.png or Winter Winter.png.

It appears in the wild as many small red berries growing together.


Rose Hips Location Forest.png

It can be found in the Forest.png Forest at the top right side of the mountain.



Item Type Requirements
Tummy Medicine
Tummy Medicine
Animal Medicine Tummy Medicine Herb L.png Any Tummy Medicine Herb (2)
Oil L.png Any Oil (1)


Love Ada.png Ada Friendship Flower.png
Like Illoe.png Illoe Romance Flower.pngVuak.png Vuak Friendship Flower.png
Neutral Everyone else
Dislike Grob.png Grob Friendship Flower.pngJag.png Jag Romance Flower.png
Hate None