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Irrigation is an idea from Garrek that allows for automatic watering of the fields. This idea can be triggered after unlocking smelting and the Spindle Whorl. Once these conditions are met, and the clan has reached 145,000 prosperity, Garrek can research the idea.



Irrigation Pump.png Irrigation Pump is the source of water for the irrigation system, and all other components must be connected to a pump. Pumps cost 50 tin, 50 copper, and 50 stone to craft, but only one pump is needed to irrigate an entire field.


Irrigation Trench.png Irrigation Trench is the canals that water flows through. Up to nine trenches may be connected to a pump at any time. Further trenches require the use of an extender. Trenches require 5 plant fiber and 2 stone to craft.


Irrigation Extender.png Irrigation Extender allows for the expansion of the irrigation system. Each extender allows for the addition of nine more trenches downstream of it. Extenders cost 2 yarn and 25 hardwood to craft.


To use the irrigation system, you must interact with your pump. Water will begin gently flowing through the trenches and extenders attached to that pump, until the system is filled. Tilled tiles adjacent to a trench or extender will be watered. Additionally, if there are three tilled tiles between two trenches or extenders, all three tiles will be watered.


All irrigation systems must be connected to a pump. Decide on the placement of your pump before beginning construction, as the pump cannot be moved without first dismantling the entire irrigation system.

Pumps may be placed outside the field, but trenches and extenders may not. Placing the pump just outside the field may be a space-saving tactic.

Pumps and extenders must be oriented properly when placing. Pumps must have their spout feeding directly into a trench or extender. Extenders must have their inflow (indicated with a white arrow in a blue circle on the extender) aligned with an upstream trench, extender, or pump. For both pumps and extenders, orientation may be changed by pressing ALT while placing.

A maximum of nine trenches may be attached downstream of any one pump or extender. After nine trenches are reached, additional extenders must be added in order to continue placing trenches.

Layouts - Field 1

Example 254-plant Field 1 layout. P = pump, E = extender, T = trench

Field 1 Details:
- 381 available spots
- 103 occupied by irrigation
- 24 empty
- 254 plant locations

Empty spots can hold trees, hives, or paths to keep the area free of blocking debris.

Note the bottom row of the field is irrigated and can be planted, excluding the red spots.

Item Required Total Materials
Irrigation Pump
Irrigation Pump
1 Tin.png Tin (50)
Copper.png Copper (50)
Stone.png Stone (50)
Irrigation Extender
Irrigation Extender
10 Yarn L.png Any Yarn (20)
Hardwood.png Hardwood (250)
Irrigation Trench
Irrigation Trench
93 Stone.png Stone (186)
Plant Fiber.png Plant Fiber (465)