Competition Day

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Competition Day.png Competition Day is a festival held on the 24th of Summer Summer.png at the Beach.png Beach.

Attend the festival by entering the Beach any time before 6pm.

The festival is attended by the Pachan Clan, Yakuan Clan, and the Mograni Clan who are along the beach shore and over on the small island off the shore of the beach where Frer.png Frer and Inza.png Inza are fishing.

Find Maeri.png Maeri over on the island to hear the story of the rhino.


Competition Day- Spear.png

There are 3 minigames that can be re-played as many times as the Player would like.

Spear Toss

To the right of the music and dancing is a Spear Toss. Throw the spear at the target by clicking when the moving dot is within the borders of the circular field. If successful, this counts as a good throw. If unsuccessful, the game ends at the first missed throw. Score at least 8 successful spear tosses to win the clothing: Bear Hat.png Bear Hat.

Wood Chopping

Competition Day- Wood Chop.png

To the right of the Spear Toss is the Wood Chopping competition. Click and hold down to charge the bar up, when the bar reaches the green line release immediately to perform a perfect hit. A perfect hit will chop a full wood log without losing any stamina. Overshoot the perfect hit and you will miss entirely. Undershoot the perfect hit and a full wood log will still be chopped, but while using stamina. Chop 10 or more wood logs successfully to win the clothing: Paws Able.png Paws Able


Competition Day- Bones.png

At the bottom of the beach shore, right of the Tug of War area is the Bones competition. Throw the stone and then use the directional buttons to navigate around the playing field, collecting every bone fragment before the stone falls. Successfully clear 12 or more rounds to win the clothing: Bear Claw (Clothing).png Bear Claw.

Tug of War

Competition Day- Tug of War.png

The main activity of the festival is Tug of War competition. Talk to either Mana.png Mana or Jelrod.png Jelrod to choose to be on their team, then talk to Tare.png Tare to either practice, or begin the competition. The top gauge shows how close either side is to being pulled over. The diamonds underneath it keep score of how many points either team has.

The bottom gauge is the most important, click and hold to drag the line into the green area. release before it overshoots the green. Keep the line in the green area long enough and you'll get a diamond point. Get 3 diamonds to win the Tug of War.

Once the Tug of War is over, the winning team will be announced and the festival will end. The Player will be back at the entrance to the Beach and it will now be 10pm.


If the Player's team won, in the Journal will be a reward of 3 good quality Chutney.png Chutney Good Quality.

If the Player's team lost, in the Journal will be 1 normal quality Tomato.png tomato.