Carnival Festival

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Carnival Festival.png Carnival Festival is a festival held on the 17th of Fall Fall.png in the Savanna.png Savanna.

However, the festival can only be attended by talking to Jag.png Jag who is waiting at the bonfire in front of the Pachan Hearth.png Pachan Hearth.

Talk to Jag before 6pm to attend the festival.

The festival has the Pachan Clan, Yakuan Clan, and the Mograni Clan gathered together for a lively music festival that honors the Monkey Totem. Talk to everyone at the event, dance along to the music, chase fireflies in the grass with the children, or listen to a story of the Monkey told by Tetih.png Tetih.

Music Competition

The main activity of the festival is a music competition. The Player must join a band led by either Ibon.png Ibon or Jelrod.png Jelrod and pick an instrument to play for their team among the 4 options:

  • Marimba
  • Balafon
  • Ocarina
  • Siku

After choosing a team and instrument, talk to Tare.png Tare to either practice, or begin the rhythm mini game.

When the music finishes, the winning team will be announced and the festival will end. The Player will be back at the bonfire in front of the Pachan Hearth.png Pachan Hearth where it will now be 10pm.

Carnival Festival-minigame.png


If the Player's team won, in the Journal will be a reward of 3 good quality Empanadas.png Empanadas Good Quality.

If the Player's team lost, in the Journal will be 1 normal quality Tomato.png tomato.