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Relationship is the connection between the Player and a character, shown as flowers and measured with relationship points that are gained through social interactions such as talking, dancing and gifting.

In-game, yellow flowers Friendship Flower.png represent the relationship with purely platonic characters, while pink flowers Romance Flower.png represent the relationship with a romanceable character.


Friendship status is represented by flowers and can be checked in the Journal.

After reaching a certain level of friendship, there will be character events/cutscenes that will even change their routine to represent their growth and the consequences of the Player's actions.


Romance allows the player to date a romanceable character, including the possibility of a Union.

Love can be found inside the Pachan Clan, or from other Clans, and there are no gender restrictions.

Romanceable Characters


Dating can start after 6 flowers. The romanceable character will invite the player character to hang out and ask if the feelings are reciprocated.

While dating, there are several opportunities to go on a date (hang out) with a partner. These can be started by speaking to them, and they will either offer to hang out or ask to speak to them at a later time that day.

  • There are no limits and no consequences to dating multiple romanceable characters.

Breaking up

It is possible to break up, refuse to date or enter a union. While romanceable characters can be hurt by rejection, there are no lasting consequences.

Breaking up at the 10 flower event will take a few weeks to return to normal interactions, romanceable characters will avoid conversations. If the character is still going through post-breakup interactions during a festival and they are a "team leader", players will not be able to join their team.

It is possible to break up Post-Union as well by talking to Vvak.


Union (equivalent to marriage) allows the Player to live and have children with romanceable characters and it is available after reaching 10 flowers of affinity and upgrading to a Medium Hut.

Entering a Union is allowed after dating and reaching the 10 flower cutscene. Rejecting them here will end the relationship and reduce relationship to 9 flowers.

The Union ceremony will take place 4 days after the cutscene.

  • If the 10 flower cutscene is completed prior to upgrading the hut, it is needed to craft a Union Wreath to proceed with the Union.
    • This recipe is not available in single player until the required material are gathered.

After Union

The spouse will move in with the player and share the bed. They might cook and offer gifts. Spouses will continue to do their daily tasks.

As you continue to befriend other villagers, they will acknowledge you in a Union in their dialogue including cutscenes with romanceable characters where you previously would have the option to ask them to date you. The cutscene gives you a choice to stay true to your union without any detrimental effects to the relationships of the other characters.


A few days after the Union, it is possible to pray to the Pregnancy Statue beside the bed for a child.

Later, a child will be granted. The player character must care for the child while it is a newborn, while the spouse is unlikely to assist with childcare.

The child will call for you between 3pm and 4pm ever day. If you check on them, you'll start with a stronger bond when they become toddlers. If you don't, they will be fussy, and you will wake up tired the next day. The options for care when they call you are Nurse and Change Diaper. You can also rock to sleep at any time. It is also possible to change the child's clothing color as well.

Talk to Vuak anytime after the child is born about choosing a name. You can also talk to him about changing the name so long as it is before the ceremony.

The child's gender will be randomized. (Note: it is possible to change the child's gender by exiting the game soon after the cutscene ends)

After 2 weeks have passed and you have chosen a name, the clan will build a children's room in your home (they are not seen but Croll will send you a message if there is a decoration in the way and will return it you). The next day, the naming ceremony will happen allowing the child to become an independent toddler. There are 2 small beds in the Childs room, so it implies that it is possible to have 2 children. After the ceremony, you are returned to your home. The child is in their room along with their nanny. You can change who the nanny is by interacting with the painting on the wall (you can also choose not to have a nanny).

Spending time with the child affinity flowers will increase:

  • At 2 flowers, dance will be available like ordinary characters.
  • At 4, the "walking training" option will appear.
  • At 6 walking will be available.
  • At 8 and 10, only the phrases will change (start talking about beatle and how to play the drums well).

Interactions & Relationship Points

Relationship Points for Different Actions
Action Relationship Points (if they're Yakuan or Mograni)
Talking 20 (25)
Not Talked For A Day -5 (-2)
Dancing 20
Kissing 5
Loved Gift 80 (+ further 20 if it's a dish)
Liked Gift 45 (+ further 15 if it's a dish)
Neutral Gift 20 (+ further 10 if it's a dish)
Disliked Gift -20 (- further 10 if it's a dish)
Hated Gift -40 (- further 15 if it's a dish)

The quality of the gifts further modify the relationships gain as follows:

Quality Multiplication
Normal 1
Good 1.1
Better 1.25
Best 1.5

If it's on the character's birthday, the points are further multiplied by 4.

An example is if you give a loved gift to a romanceable character of best quality on their birthday, the relationship points gained is calculated as follows:

Points Gained = 80 * 1.5 *4 = 480


Union outfits